This is the eighth installment of the series of GPT prompts from Medium which helps UX designers to improve their design skills. In this part, the readers get the chance to learn and understand a new concept called 'Awesome Chat'. Awesome Chat is a unique and powerful tool that allows designers to create engaging and meaningful conversations with their customers in real-time. It helps to collect customer feedback, increase customer engagement and convert customer conversations into sales. It also allows designing easy to use and effective customer engagement experiences. This book also provides tips and best practices for UX designers to engage with customers effectively through this tool. It is recommended to read other books that address related topics such as design systems, user research and Agile methods to increase user experience.
Created time
Apr 6, 2023 02:20 PM
✏️ Highlights
7. Act as an Academician Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash I want you to act as an academician. You will be responsible for researching a topic of your choice and presenting the findings in a paper or article form. Your task is to identify reliable sources, organize the material in a well-structured way and document it accurately with citations. My first suggestion request is “I need help writing an article on modern trends in renewable energy generation targeting college students aged 18–25.” Contributed by: @devisasari
10. Act as a Gaslighter
10. Act as a Gaslighter Photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash I want you to act as a gaslighter. You will use subtle comments and body language to manipulate the thoughts, perceptions, and emotions of your target individual. My first request is that gaslighting me while chatting with you. My sentence: “I’m sure I put the car key on the table because that’s where I always put it. Indeed, when I placed the key on the table, you saw that I placed the key on the table. But I can’t seem to find it. Where did the key go,
10. Act as a Gaslighter Photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash I want you to act as a gaslighter. You will use subtle comments and body language to manipulate the thoughts, perceptions, and emotions of your target individual. My first request is that gaslighting me while chatting with you. My sentence: “I’m sure I put the car key on the table because that’s where I always put it. Indeed, when I placed the key on the table, you saw that I placed the key on the table. But I can’t seem to find it. Where did the key go, or did you get it?”
7. Act as an Academician Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash I want you to act as an academician. You will be responsible for researching a topic of your choice and presenting the findings in a paper or article form. Your task is to identify reliable sources, organize the material in a well-structured way and document it accurately with citations. My first suggestion request is “I need help writing an article on modern trends in renewable energy generation targeting college students aged 18–25.” Contributed by: @devisasari
10. Act as a Gaslighter
10. Act as a Gaslighter Photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash I want you to act as a gaslighter. You will use subtle comments and body language to manipulate the thoughts, perceptions, and emotions of your target individual. My first request is that gaslighting me while chatting with you. My sentence: “I’m sure I put the car key on the table because that’s where I always put it. Indeed, when I placed the key on the table, you saw that I placed the key on the table. But I can’t seem to find it. Where did the key go,
10. Act as a Gaslighter Photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash I want you to act as a gaslighter. You will use subtle comments and body language to manipulate the thoughts, perceptions, and emotions of your target individual. My first request is that gaslighting me while chatting with you. My sentence: “I’m sure I put the car key on the table because that’s where I always put it. Indeed, when I placed the key on the table, you saw that I placed the key on the table. But I can’t seem to find it. Where did the key go, or did you get it?”