Stanford’s Francis Fukuyama called it “the world’s most dangerous idea.” He was right.
Transhumanism—the global scientific and cultural movement to surpass or transcend Homo sapiens—is the central civilizational issue of our time.
In Dark Aeon, he alerts us to the immoral Godless technological tsunami that openly declares its intent to transform human beings into a “posthuman” state. The leading international organization of transhumanists, now called Humanity+, is not covert about its ambitions: “Posthumans could be completely synthetic artificial intelligences, or they could be enhanced uploads, or they could be the result of making many smaller but cumulatively profound augmentations to a biological human,”
Jose Luis Cordeiro, an MIT graduate who says “death will be optional by 2045,” notes, “Some posthumans may find it advantageous to jettison their bodies altogether and live as information patterns on vast super-fast computer networks.”
We cannot forget that even the most outrageous, offensive, and ethical moral violations of what is “normal” always provide an economic incentive to the world’s elite corporate overlords.
“Longevity will be one of the largest, if not the largest investment opportunity in the decades to come.”
Our future, our existence, depend on what actions we take today.
when the cosmocrats of the dark aeon find themselves wholly at a loss in the meandered labyrinth of their own monopolies.
Mass entertainment is a seductive form of social engineering. The arena is a thundering temple of the Future™.
religion and science—the latter being the fastest growing world religion. Two experiences really hit me. There’s a legendary medical
my academic life was spent studying religion and science—the latter being the fastest growing world religion.
agent-based simulation of religious social systems. Imagine the video game SimCity with a million psychologically complex characters powered by artificial intelligence.