
I Biohacked for 10 Weeks to Try to Live Forever

Book Name
I Biohacked for 10 Weeks to Try to Live Forever
Last updated December 26, 2023
Biohacking is an emerging trend that attempts to improve life through a combination of scientific research, technology and lifestyle choices. In this book, writer Matt McFarland shares his ten-week journey to discover and apply the latest cutting-edge strategies in hopes of living a longer, healthier life. Key Takeaways: • Understanding the basics of life prolongation and biohacking • Insights on how to limit the damage cause by Free Radicals • Exploring numerous anti-aging procedures • How the body responds to some of the key Biohacking strategies As a UX Designer, this book would be an eye-opening exploration of the trends of using technology for personal health and longevity. This book could also help you to understand the basics of biohacking which could help to inform future designs with a better understanding of user needs. Additionally, books such as "You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!", by F. Batmanghelidj, MD, or "Cracking Health Code: 9 Natural Solutions to Your Biggest Health Problems" by John D.& Mary T. Bogdesek would be interesting followups for further exploration of biohacking and health.
Created time
Aug 7, 2022 12:06 AM

🎀 Highlights

How many more decades can I live?
If we went from a TRS-​80 to an iPhone in 30 years, we can surely double human life using big data and self-​quantification.
How many more decades can I live?
If we went from a TRS-​80 to an iPhone in 30 years, we can surely double human life using big data and self-​quantification.
How many more decades can I live?
If we went from a TRS-​80 to an iPhone in 30 years, we can surely double human life using big data and self-​quantification.