
Latin Key Words

Jerry Toner
Book Name
Latin Key Words
Last updated December 26, 2023
- Latin Key Words by Jerry Toner is an accessible, yet comprehensive guide to the Latin language. - In the book, Toner offers readers an important introduction to all the essential Latin key words, outlining their use and importance. - The book provides key information on Latin grammar, spelling, and pronunciation, along with comprehensive tables of Latin words, making it a valuable asset for anyone interested in learning or brushing up on Latin. - As a UX designer, reading Latin Key Words can provide insight into the aspects of Latin language used in organizing and labeling, aiding in the communication of design elements in a meaningful and clear way. - Other related books of interest for those interested in the intersection of Latin and language in design would include Language Visible: Unraveling the Mystery of the Alphabet from A to Z by David Sacks, and Brand Script: How to Design Typefaces and Storytelling for Brand Identity by Scott Biersack.
Created time
Dec 4, 2022 10:02 AM

✏️ Highlights

Ambulare, to walk
to use     utor uti usus sum
to use     utor uti usus sum     I use to use I used
use     utor uti usus sum     I use to use I used
Uti, to use     utor uti usus sum     I use to use I used
nunc    adv. now
multus    adj. much, many
suus    pron. his, her, its, theirs
urbs    f city populus    m. people
deus    m. god
ubi    adv. where
hostis    m. stranger, enemy, foreigner
quo    pron. where?
bonus    adj. good
consider scribere to write     scribo scribere scripsi     scriptum
putare to reckon, consider scribere to write     scribo scribere scripsi     scriptum
totus    adj. all credere to believe, trust     credo credere credidi     creditum
manus f. hand
filius    m. son
ius    n. law, right
pron., adj. anybody, anything locus    m. place, situation, location
consilium    n. counsel, council tenere to hold, grasp     teneo tenere tenui tentum
relinquere to leave behind, abandon
simul    adv. at the same time
loqui    dep. to speak     loquor loqui locutus sum cognoscere
loqui    dep. to speak     loquor loqui locutus sum cognoscere to know, learn about     cognosco cognoscere
sive, seu    conj. or if, whether frater    m. brother
gratia    f. grace, favour, goodwill gens
rus    n. country, countryside
plebs    f. the common people, the     masses
mens    f. mind, reason
verto vertere versi versum censere to think, reckon     censeo censere censui     censum
iter    n. journey
multitudo    f. multitude, large number
multitudo    f. multitude, large number servus    m., adj. slave, servile, slavish
senex    m., adj. old man, old
negotium    n. work, business
volvere to turn, roll     volvo volvere volui     volutum
Ambulare, to walk
to use     utor uti usus sum
to use     utor uti usus sum     I use to use I used
use     utor uti usus sum     I use to use I used
Uti, to use     utor uti usus sum     I use to use I used
nunc    adv. now
multus    adj. much, many
suus    pron. his, her, its, theirs
urbs    f city populus    m. people
deus    m. god
ubi    adv. where
hostis    m. stranger, enemy, foreigner
Hostile behavior ? Fremd?
quo    pron. where?
bonus    adj. good
consider scribere to write     scribo scribere scripsi     scriptum
putare to reckon, consider scribere to write     scribo scribere scripsi     scriptum
totus    adj. all credere to believe, trust     credo credere credidi     creditum
manus f. hand
filius    m. son
ius    n. law, right
pron., adj. anybody, anything locus    m. place, situation, location
consilium    n. counsel, council tenere to hold, grasp     teneo tenere tenui tentum
Yo tenemo
relinquere to leave behind, abandon
simul    adv. at the same time
loqui    dep. to speak     loquor loqui locutus sum cognoscere
loqui    dep. to speak     loquor loqui locutus sum cognoscere to know, learn about     cognosco cognoscere
sive, seu    conj. or if, whether frater    m. brother
gratia    f. grace, favour, goodwill gens
rus    n. country, countryside
plebs    f. the common people, the     masses
mens    f. mind, reason
verto vertere versi versum censere to think, reckon     censeo censere censui     censum
iter    n. journey
multitudo    f. multitude, large number
multitudo    f. multitude, large number servus    m., adj. slave, servile, slavish
senex    m., adj. old man, old
negotium    n. work, business
volvere to turn, roll     volvo volvere volui     volutum