
Pediatricians update digital media recommendations for kids

Created time
Oct 3, 2022 08:05 PM
Key takeaways
• Set a rule: No screen time an hour before bed.
The guidelines recommend banning digital media use an hour before bed, turning off devices when not in use and keeping bedrooms, mealtimes and parent-child playtime screen free.
AAP guidelines for parents of children 0-5 years:
• Avoid fast-paced programs and apps with lots of distracting content or violence.
• Avoid using media as the only way to calm your child. This could lead to problems with limit setting and ability to self-sooth and regulate emotions.
"Videochatting with grandparents, watching science videos together, putting on streaming music and dancing together, looking up new recipes or craft ideas, taking pictures and videos to show each other, having a family movie night … these are just a few ways media can be used as a tool to support family connection," Radesky says.
Heavy parent use of mobile devices is associated with fewer verbal and nonverbal interaction between parents and children and may be associated with more parent-child conflict