
Psychologist finds 'shocking' impact on name recall

Created time
Oct 2, 2022 10:44 PM
Key takeaways
Psychologist finds 'shocking' impact on name recall
electric stimulation of the right anterior temporal lobe of the brain improved the recall of proper names in young adults by 11 percent.
way to improve the recall of proper names
memory decline is part of normal aging, the difficulty in remembering proper names is exacerbated as we get older
tDCS has been rediscovered as a rehabilitation and research tool. In her work, Olson collaborates with at the University of Pennsylvania's Laboratory of Cognition and Neural Stimulation. Led by Branch Coslett, the group is one of just a few in the country studying the technique
tDCS uses a much smaller current (e.g. 1-2 milliamps) with effects that typically last just one hour. The technique is painless, and there are no known adverse effects.
"One question for further research is whether or not repeating tDCS may lead to longer lasting effects," she said.