The Deficit Myth by Blinkist is an exploration into how the modern economic system functions, and how it can be improved for more widespread prosperity. It gives an overview of the current global economy, highlighting growing inequalities and how far removed we are from an ideal world. Some key learnings from the book include:
• Examining how economic growth has disadvantaged many people over the past few decades, and how this inequality has grown even further during the 2020 pandemic.
• The need for governments to implement public policies that reduce inequality, to ensure the global economy is accessible to everyone.
• The importance of embracing the free market, and how to strike a balance between competition and regulation.
This book will be particularly useful for UX designers, as it promotes the need for a global economic system that is accessible and beneficial to all. Additionally, UX designers may find the book Designing the Future: Critical Essays on the Social, Economic, and Political Forces Shaping Identity and Digital Experiences of Interest, as both titles share a common focus on how global economic trends shape our lives.
Created time
Aug 7, 2022 12:06 AM
🎀 Highlights
these wholesome scenes, a voice poses a question: “You and your neighbors are responsible with your spending – shouldn’t the government be as well?”
While your everyday household uses money, the government actually makes it.
government doesn’t need to earn money.
If the government wants to buy something, it must issue and spend the money first.
these wholesome scenes, a voice poses a question: “You and your neighbors are responsible with your spending – shouldn’t the government be as well?”
While your everyday household uses money, the government actually makes it.
government doesn’t need to earn money.
If the government wants to buy something, it must issue and spend the money first.
these wholesome scenes, a voice poses a question: “You and your neighbors are responsible with your spending – shouldn’t the government be as well?”
While your everyday household uses money, the government actually makes it.
government doesn’t need to earn money.
If the government wants to buy something, it must issue and spend the money first.