
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Blinkist

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Thinking, Fast and Slow by Blinkist
Last updated December 26, 2023
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman introduces two systems of thinking (fast and slow) – and how they work together to shape our decisions. Through examples and stories, Kahneman reveals the many unconscious biases that guide our behavior and explains why we make irrational decisions. Key learnings in the book include: - Understanding the two systems of thought – fast and slow – and how they interact, and how to apply this to life. - Recognizing cognitive biases and how they lead us to make irrational decisions. - Identifying when and how to use conscious control to override the unconscious mind. For a German reader interested in UX, tech, architecture, data, philosophy, urban planning, and mobility, this is a must-read as it provides an understanding of the fundamentals of decision-making. Other books of note for the same reader include Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom, Data & Goliath by Bruce Schneier, and Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths.
Created time
Dec 12, 2022 12:39 AM

✏️ Highlights

behavior is determined by two different systems – one automatic and the other considered.
behavior is determined by two different systems – one automatic and the other considered.